National reports

To further the study of international taxation, the Association compiles annual thematic reports. Annually, the Dutch branch of the IFA appoints national reporters tasked with preparing the Netherlands' reports. Presented below is a overview of the Dutch contributions over the past decades.

IFA members can access the published Cahiers on the website of Central IFA at

Published Cashiers


Branch reporters


Cape Town South Africa


Finding the meaning of nexus for taxes - past, present and future

Irene Burgers

Raymond Adema

Practical approaches to internal tax disputes avoidance and resolution

Sebastiaan de Buck

Harm Mark Pit


Cancun Mexico


Sharing and shifting of corporate losses - The new profit shifting?

Zoya Zalmai

Chantal Presilli

Good faith in domestic and international tax law

Frank Pötgens

Norbert Vis

Elena Kool


Berlin Germany


Group approach and separate entity approach in domestic and international tax law

Marlies Baijer

Marius Girolami

Big data and tax – domestic and international taxation of data driven business

Alexia Kardachaki

Marcel Schaper


IFA Virtual Programme


Reconstructing the treaty network

David Tiesinga

Erisa Nuku

Exchange of information: issues, use and collaboration

Jessica de Vries

Arnaud Booij


London United Kingdom

Interest deductibility: the implementation of BEPS Action 4

Natalie Speet

Robert Veenhoven

Investment Funds

Pieter van Os

Arnaud de Graaf


Seoul, Republic of Korea

Seeking anti-avoidance measures of general nature and scope - GAAR and other rules

Reinout Kok

Irma Mosquera Valderrama

Withholding tax in era of BEPS, CIVs and digital economy

Martijn Munniksma

Jelle Tjerkstra


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Assessing BEPS: origins, standards and responses

Margriet E. Lukkien

Aart Roelofsen

The future of transfer pricing

Martha Kleinjan

Hans van Egdom


Madrid, Spain


Dispute resolution procedures in international tax matters

Jasper Arendse

Gerrit Groen

The notion of tax and the elimination of international double taxation or double non-taxation

Alexander Bosman

Frederik Boulogne


Basel, Switzerland

 Tax incentives on Research & Development (R&D)

Angelique Beek-Van Doremaele

 Niels Smetsers

The practical protection of taxpayers' fundamental rights

Anke Feenstra

Hans Hertoghs

Marion Kors

Marc Van Elk


Mumbai, India


Cross-border outsourcing - issues, strategies and solutions


Pieterbas Plasman

Harmen Van Dam

Qualification of taxable entities and treaty protection

Andy Archer

Craig Elliffe


Copenhagen, Denmark


The taxation of foreign passive income for groups of companies


Marjolein Boterman

Bart Van Der Gulik

98b: Exchange of information and cross-border cooperation between tax authorities

G.J.M.E. De Bont

E.C.J.M. Van Der Hel–Van Dijk


Boston, United States


97a: Enterprise services

René Monfrooij

Linda Ten Broeke

97b: The debt-equity conundrum

Gerrit De Keizer

Michiel Sunderman


2011 Paris, France


Cross-border business restructuring


Raymond de Looze

Erwin Verweij

Key practical issues to eliminate double taxation of business income

Maarten de Wilde

Geert Janssen


Rome, Italy



Tax treaties and tax avoidance: application of anti-avoidance provisions


Faustina Peters

Aart Roelofsen

Death as a taxable event and its international ramifications

Frederique Richelle

Frans Sonneveldt


Vancouver, Canada


Is there a permanent establishment?

Jean-Paul van den Berg

Foreign exchange issues in international taxation

Silvain Niekel


Brussels, Belgium


Non-discrimination at the crossroads of international taxation

Cees Peters

New tendencies in tax treatment of cross-border interest of corporations

Eelco van der Stok


Kyoto, Japan



Transfer pricing and intangibles


Monique van Herksen

Edwin Visser

Conflicts in the attribution of income to a person

Hans Pijl


Amsterdam, Netherlands


The tax consequences of restructuring of indebtedness(debt work-out)

Kees Slager

Mariska van der Vliet

The attribution of profits to permanent establishments

Marcel Romyn


Buenos Aires, Argentina


Source and residence: A new configuration of their principles

Geert Janssen

 Hans Muste

Tax treatment of international acquisitions of businesses

Maarten van der Weijden


Vienna, Austria


Double non-taxation

Eric Kemmeren

Leonardo Zuliani

Group taxation

Rudolf de Vries



Sydney, Australia


Trends in company shareholder taxation: single or double taxation?

Tanja Bender

88b: Consumption taxation and financial services

Mariken Van Hilten


Oslo, Norway


87a: Form and substance in tax law

Robert IJzerman

The tax treatment of transfer in residence by individuals

Rijkele Betten



San Francisco, United States


Taxation of income derived from electronic commerce

Jan Vleggeert

Limits on the use of low-tax regimes by multinational businesses: current measures and emerging trends

Johan Barnard

Jacques Overgaauw

Stef van Weeghel



Munich, Germany


Tax treatment of hybrid financial instruments in cross-border transactions

Chris Warner

International tax aspects of deferred remunerations

Hugo Kostense



Eilat, Israel


Taxation of non-profit organizations

Ineke Koele

Harrie van Mens

Advance rulings

E. Kruidenier



London, United Kingdom


Tax treatment of corporate losses

Peter H. J. Essers

Practical issues in the application of double tax conventions

J.J.R de Goede

B.J.J.M. Lucas Luijckx



New Delhi, India


The taxation of income derived from the supply of technology

D. A. Hofland

The taxation of investment funds

L. Kosters

H. Mooij




Geneva, Switzerland


Principles for the determination of the income and capital of permanent establishments and their applications to banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions

Irene Burgers

International aspects of thin capitalization

Geerten Michielse



Cannes, France



80a: International income tax problems of partnerships

Ton Daniels

80b: Tax aspects of derivative instruments

W. Bruins Slot



Toronto, Canada


79a: Deductibility of interest and other financing charges in computer income


D.J. van Nus

79b: National and international tax consequences of demergers

Hans Marseille



Florence, Italy


78a: Interpretation of double taxation conventions

Adrian Timmermans

78b: Non-discrimination rules in international taxation

Wim Wijnen



Cancun, Mexico


77a: Transfer pricing in the absence of comparable market prices

Karel Kooijman

77b: Tax consequences of international acquisitions and business combinations

A. Kasdorp



Barcelona, Spain


76a: The determination of the tax base for real property

Jan Arnold Monsma

Peter Flore

76b: Protection of confidential information in tax matters

Wilfried Mulder


Stockholm, Sweden


75a: Taxation of cross-border leasing

J. Peters

75b: International mutual assistance through exchange of information

Fried Schmitz



Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


74a: The disregard of a legal entity for tax purposes

J.P.W. Mies

74b: Administration and compliance costs of taxation

F.W. Imhof


Amsterdam, Netherlands


73a: Recognition of foreign enterprises as taxable entities

André Boekhoudt

73b: Tax treatment of computer software

Han Kogels



Brussels, Belgium


72a: The fiscal residence of companies

Klaas Nauta

72b: Tax problems of the liquidation of corporations

Peter Wattel



New York, United States of America


71a: Transfer of assets into and out of a taxing jurisdiction

Maarten Ellis

71b: Currency fluctuations and international double taxation

Pieter Kroon



London, United Kingdom


70a: The assessment and collection of tax from non-residents

Hubert Bierlaagh

70b: International double taxation of inheritance and gifts

Willem de Vin



Buenos Aires, Argentina


69a: Fiscal obstacles to the international flow of capital between a parent and its subsidiary


Frank van Brunschot

69b: Social security contributions as a fiscal burden on enterprises engaged in international activities

Leo Stevens




Venice, Italy


68a: Tax avoidance/tax evasion

A. Nooteboom

68b: International problems in the field of general taxes on sales of goods and services

A.L.C. Simons




Montreal, Canada


67a: The tax treatment of interest in international economic transactions

C.A.M. Rasenberg

67b: Taxation of payment to non-residents for independent personal services

W.M. van Dalen

1981 Berlin, Germany


66a: Mutual agreement procedure and practice

R.D. Kramer

66b: Unilateral measures to prevent double taxation

A. Overbosch



Paris, France


65a: The dialogues between the tax administration and the taxpayer up to the filing of the tax return

Chris Geppaart

65b: Rules for determining income and expenses as domestic or foreign

Robert van de Water

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