The Dutch IFA branch

The Dutch Association for International Tax Law (de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Belastingrecht) is a non-profit organization existing in its current form since 3 February 1968 (previously known as the Dutch Group of the International Fiscal Association (de Nederlandse Groep der International Fiscal Association)) and operates as the Dutch branch of the International Fiscal Association (IFA), which was established in 1938 with its headquarters in the Netherlands (the "Dutch IFA branch").

IFA is the only non-governmental and non-sectoral international organization dealing with fiscal matters. For general information on central IFA, we refer to the central IFA website.

The Dutch IFA branch has approximately 500 individual and 85 corporate members. Members of the Dutch IFA branch are tax professionals, i.e., tax advisors, tax lawyers, in-house tax counsels, academics, government officials and judges, with an interest in international taxation working in or from The Netherlands. Members of the Dutch IFA branch are automatically also members of central IFA. The membership fee payable to the Dutch IFA branch comprises the membership fee for central IFA.

For more information on our membership, we refer to the Membership section on this website.


One of the main activities of the Dutch IFA branch are the preparation and submission of Dutch branch reports to central IFA for purposes of the annual international IFA congress and the organization of seminars and bilateral or multilateral meetings with other IFA branches, all on subjects of international taxation. 

Each year there are two general members' meetings, one in the Spring and one in the Autumn. During the Spring meeting an outline of the Dutch IFA branch report for next year's annual IFA Congress is discussed. A first draft of this report is discussed by our members during the Autumn meeting. The Dutch IFA branch hosted the annual global IFA congress in 1939, 1947, 1955, 1969, 1988 and 2006. In 2023, we hosted the third IFA European Regional conference.

For more information on upcoming events, we refer to the Agenda section on this website.


The Dutch IFA branch is a private association under Dutch law having its seat in Amsterdam. The Dutch IFA branch is registered with the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce under number 40534001.

The Dutch IFA branch obtained a ruling from the Dutch Tax Administration, pursuant to which the Dutch IFA branch is designated as a so-called ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). The ruling is dated 24 March 2014 and the designation has retroactive effect to 1 January 2013. The Dutch IFA branch is registered as ANBI under RSIN 816609615, file number 90 672. The database of registered ANBI's can be found on the website of the Dutch Tax Administration.

The board members of the Dutch IFA branch do not receive any remuneration for their activities. A frequently updated overview of activities of the Dutch IFA branch is published on this website.

Our annual reports and other relevant documents in relation to the Dutch IFA branch, including our ANBI status, we refer to the Documents section on this website.


The Dutch IFA branch established a Dutch Young IFA Network branch (the Dutch YIN branch) in 2010.

For more information on YIN and the Dutch YIN branch, we refer to the Dutch YIN branch section on this website.

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